viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Referencias bibliográficas

1. Craig, F.F., Jr.: The Reservar Engineering Aspeets ofWaterflooding, Monograph Series, SPE,  Richardson, TX (1971) 3.
2. Buckley, S.E y Levcrctt, M.C.: Mechanisms of Fluid Displaccment in Sands, Trans., Al ME (1942) 146, 107-116.
3. Dykstra, H. y Parsons, R.L.: The Prediction of Oil Rccovery by Water Flood, Secondary Recooery of Oil in The United States, API, New York City (1950) 160-174.
4. Johnson, C.E. Jr.: Prediction of Oil Recovery by Waterflood - A Simplified Graphical Treatment of ITie Dykstra-Parsons Method, Trans., AJME (1956) 207,345-346.
5. Stiles, W.: Use of Permeablllty Distribution in Water-Flood Calculatlons, Trans., AIME (1949) 186, 9-13.
6. Craig, F.; Geffen, T. y Morse, R.A.: Oil Recovery Performance of Pattem Gas or Water Injection Operallons froni Model Tests, Trans., AIMF. (1955) 204,7-15.
7. Ferrer, J.: Notas sobre Métodos de Predicción de la Recuperación Secundaria de Petróleo por Inyección de Agua, Escuela de Petróleo, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad del Zulia (1970).
8. Smith, J., y Cobb, W.: Walerflooding Notebook, Lubbock, Texas (1992).
9. Smith, C.: Mechanics of Secondary Oil Recovery, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York (1966).

10.  Scientifíc Software Intercomp (SSI): Notebook of Improved Oil Recovery by Walerflooding and Gas Injection, Denver (1981).
11. Roberts, T.G.: A Permeability Block Method of Calculating a Water Drive Recoverv Factor,Peí. Eng. (1959) 31, B45-48.
12.  Higgins, R.V. y Leighton, A.J.: Computer Prediction of Water Drive of Oil and Gas Mixtures through Irregularly Bounded Porous Media-Three Phase Flow.yP7'(Sept. 1962) 1048-1054.
13.  Rapoport, LA, Carpenter, C.W. y Leas, WJ.: Laboratory Studies of Five-Spot Waterflood Performance, Trans., AIME (1958) 213, 113-120.
14.  Yuster, S.T. y Calhoun, J.C., Jr.: Behavior of Water Injection Wells, Oil Weekly (Dic. 18 v 25, 1944)44-47.

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