lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Bibliografía - III

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domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014

Bibliografía - II

Benner, F.C. y Bartell, F.E.: Drill. andProd. Prac., API (1941) 341.
Berry, V.J. Jr. y Parrish, D.R.: A Theoretical Analysis of Heat Flow in Reverse Combustión, Trans.
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Bobek, J.E., Mattax, C.C. y Denekas, M.O.: Reservoir Rock Wettability - Its Significance and Evaluation, Trans., AIME (1958) 213, 155.
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Bradley, H., Heller, J. y Odeh, A.: A Potentlomelric Study of the Effects of Mobility Ratio on Reservoir Flow Patterns, SPEJ (Sept. 1961) 125-129.
Breul, T.: Foam Stability Effectiveness and Efficiency of Surfactants, 111 Simposio Internacional sobre Recuperación Mejorada de Crudos, SRM 3 133, Tomo II, Maracaibo, Venezuela (Febr. 19-22, 1989).
Buckley, S.E. y Leverett, M.C.: Mechanisms of Fluid Displacement in Sands, Trans., AIME (1942)
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Burton, M.B., Jr. y Crawford, P.B.: Application of the Gelatin Model for Studying Mobility Ratio Effects, Trans., AIME (1956) 207, 333-337.
Butler, R.: Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Concept, Development, Performance and Future, JCPT (Febr. 1994) 44-50.
Calhoun, J.C.: Fundamentáis of Reservoir Engineering, University of Oklahoma Press, NormanOklahoma (Junio 1957) 340-382.

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Caudle, B.H. y Dyes, A.B.: Improving Miscible Displacement by Gas- Water Injection, Trans. AIME
Caudle, B.H., Hickman, B.M. y Silberberg, I.H.: Performance of the Skewed Four-Spot Injection Pattem, JPT (Nov. 1968) 1315-1319.
Caudle, B.H., Slobod, R.L. y Brownscombe, E.R.: Further Developments in the Laboratory Determination of Relative Permeabilily, Trans., AIME (1951) 192, 145-150.
Caudle, B.H. y Witte, M.D.: Prediction Potential Changes During Sweepout in a Five-Spot Pattem, Trans., AIME (1959) 216, 446-448.
Caudle, B.H. y Loncaric, I.G.: Oil Recovery in Five-Spot Pilot Floods, Trans., AIME (1960) 219, 132-136.
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Chang, H. L.: Polymer Flooding Technology-Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, JPT (Ag. 1978) 113-128.

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Bibliografía - I

Alt, N., Singh, P.K., Peng, C.P., Shiralkar, G.S., Moschovidis, Z. y Baack, W.L.: Injection Above - Parting - Pressure Waterflood Pilol, Vaihall Field, Norway, trabajo SPE 22893 presentado en la Reunión Técnica Anual de la SPE, celebrada en Dallas (Oct. 6-9,1991).
Alund, L.R.: EOR Projects Decline, but C02 Pushes Up Production; Oil and Gas Journal (Abril 1988) 33-73.
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Amix, J.W., Bass, D.M., Jr. y Whiting, R.L.: Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York City (1960).
Amott, E.: Observations Relating to the Wettability of Porous Rock, Trans., A1ME (1959) 216, 156-162.
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Araujo, J.B.: Diagnóstico y Expectativas de la Recuperación Secundaria mediante Inyección Convencional de Gas y Agua, Seminario sobre Inyección de Agua y Gas en Yacimientos Petrolíferos Venezolanos. Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. Caraballeda, Venezuela (Mayo 7-10, 1980).

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Babson, E.C.: Prediction of Reservoir Behavior from Laboratory Data, Trans., AIME (1944) 155, 120-132.
Barthel, R.: The Effect of Large-Scale Heterogeneities on The Performance of Waterdrive Reservoirs, trabajo SPE 22697 presentado en la Reunión Técnica Anual de la SPE, celebrada en Dallas (Oct. 6-9, 1991).
Beliveau, D., Payne, D.A. y Mundry, M.: Analysis of the Waterflood Response of a Naturally Fractured Reservoir, trabajo SPE 22946 presentado en la Reunión Técnica Anual de la SPE, celebrada en Dallas (Oct. 6-9,1991).