1. Green, D. W. y Willhite, G.P.: Enhanced Oil Recovery, SPE Textbook Series, Rlchardson, TX
2. Finol. A. y Ferrer, J.: Desplazamientos Inmiscibles, Escuela de Petróleo, Facultad de Inge-
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3. Craig, F.F., Jr.: TheResewoir Engineering Aspects ofWaterflooding, Monograph Series, SPE,
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4. Bobek, J.E., Mattax, C.C., y Denekas, M.O.: Reservoir Rock Wettabillty - Its Significance and
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5. Amott, E.: Observations Relating to the Wettability of Porous Rock, Trans., AIME (1959) 216.
6. Plateau, T.A.F.: Experimental and Theoretical Research on the Figures of Equilibrium of a
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7. Leverett, M. C.: Capillaiy Behavior in Porous Solids, Trans., AIME (1941) 142, 152-169.
8. Scientific Software Intereomp (SSI): Notebook oflmproved Oil Recovery by Waterflooding
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9. Rose, W.R. y Bruce, W.A.: Evaluation of Capillaiy Character in Petroleum Reservoir Rock,
Trans., AIME (1949) 186, 127-133.
10. Amix, J.W., Bass, D.M. Jr. y WhIÜng, R.L.: Petroleum Reservoir Engineeríng, McGraw-HiU
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11. Craft, B. y Hawkins, M.: Ingeniería Aplicada de Yacimientos Petrolíferos, Editorial Tecnos,
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12. Chatenever, A. y Calhoun, J.C. Jr.: Visual Exarninatlon of Fluid Behavior in Porous Media-
Part I, Trans., AIME (1952) 195, 149-156.
13. Stanolind Oil and Gas Co.: Fluid Distribution in Porous Systems - A Preview of the Motion
Picture. También publicado por Pan American Petroleum Corp. y Amoco Production Co.
14. Clark, N.J.: Elements of Petroleum Reservoirs, SPE Henry L. Doherty Series, Dallas, TX
15. Smith, C.: Mechanics of Secondary Oil Recovery, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New
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16. LevereH, M.C. y l-ewis, W.B.: Steady Flow of Gas-oil-water Mixtures through Unconsolida-
ted Sands, Trans., AIME (1941) 142, 107-116.
17. Jennings, H.Y., Jr.: Surface Properties of Natural and Synthetic Porous Media, Prod. Monthly
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